Nearly every person who walks into my office either is or was at one time suffering from the effects of inflammation. Usually if they have sought out help from me, the inflammation in thier body is affecting their muscles, joints or other orthopedic tissues.
Chronic excessive inflammation is an awful thing to live with. It is quickly being discovered that it is at the root of nearly every disease and bodily disorder. Inflammation also robs you of nutrient absorption causing lower energy, impaired tissue repair and accelerated aging. Not a good combo.
There are many things that contribute to inflammation. These things can include stress, tissue trauma such as injuries and surgeries, being sedentary, dehydration, poor dietary and sleep habits, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and impaired muscle function just to name a few.
One of the things that is very important to do is to measure the amount of inflammation in our body on a regular basis. Although there is blood work that can be done to measure key indicators of inflammation, this type of testing is often very expensive and inconvenient.
One very easy way to measure our level of inflammation is to measure our bodies Ph level. Our Ph level tells us how acidic or alkaline our body is. When our body is acidic it becomes more inflamed. Most people are living with higher acidity than they should be, which creates high levels of inflammation. To test our Ph we can simply purchase a Ph testing kit from a health food store or online ( such as here-–zL6r0CFa_m7AodqnYALQ&gclsrc=aw.ds ) and dip the testing strips into our urine stream. This will reveal our bodies current Ph in about 15 seconds.
These tests are very inexpensive (about $15 for a package of about 90) and are extremely easy to use.
I highly suggest picking one of these testing kits up as soon as possible and testing your Ph. In my next newsletter I will reveal some ways to lower your level of acidity which will in turn lower your level of inflammation and improve your health.
Happy testing!