It’s crazy to think that in 2024, with all the advances in medicine and technology that we’ve had over the decades, that the rates of nearly every health problem are going up. A LOT.
Musculoskeletal problems are no exception. In fact, according to a Mayo Clinic study, musculoskeletal problems are the most common reason people see doctors in America. This includes things like arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, disk problems, strains, sprains, tears, and the like.
After having worked with nearly 1000 clients, mostly to help them better manage or overcome various musculoskeletal problems, I’ve realized something very important- healing is a puzzle.
Now, I don’t mean that it is puzzling, I mean that it is literally like a puzzle. That is because you have to put many different pieces together to get the full picture.
One major piece is proper exercise, which begins with ensuring your muscles function properly and your joints move optimally. This is what I work on with clients during our sessions.
Another major piece is taking proper care of your body and not subjecting it to repetitive stresses that will cause reinjury.
Another major piece is drinking sufficient water, because tissue repair cannot happen without adequate water being present.
Another major piece is losing weight and lowering bodily inflammation, which requires an overhaul of our Standard American Diet (SAD). That is what I want to focus on today.
It might shock you to learn that most Americans get more than half of their daily calories from highly inflammatory foods. It might also shock you to learn that most of these foods were brought to us by…Tobacco Companies.
That’s right, the same companies that got millions of Americans addicted to cigarettes, are the same ones that have gotten millions addicted to junk food.
You see, back in the 1960’s, when the government began to regulate the tobacco industry, companies like Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds took some of their massive cash piles and began buying up major food companies. They then transferred their thousands of scientists (who had been working to make cigarettes more addictive for decades) to their food companies to literally do the same thing with food.
In fact, the scientific journal “Addiction” even recently published a study showing that the foods they created were far more likely to contain high levels of dangerous additives that increased negative health impacts, while simultaneously causing people to become physically addicted to them.
You can read about this wicked scheme here- How Big Tobacco created America’s junk food diet and obesity epidemic (
The results of this have been nothing short of disastrous. We’ve gone from 13% obesity to over 40%, rates of heart disease and cancer have skyrocketed, and currently nearly 51 million people in America live in chronic pain- which is greatly aggravated by the systemic, bodily inflammation caused by these addictive foods.
If you want to feel better, move better, be healthier, and not be a victim of this corrupt scheme…say no to these addictive foods and say yes to foods that will promote health and healing.
Here’s a good article that lists foods to avoid and foods to consume- 8 Types of Foods That Cause Inflammation: Joints, Gut, Elsewhere (
Please pass this along to those who need to know this important information.
God bless!