In 2006, when I first got certified in Muscle Activation Techniques, I had already heard some amazing stories of professional athletes having incredible results with it. NFL Hall of Famer John Elway, winner of Super Bowl 31 and 32 (at age 37 and 38), credited MAT with helping him overcome injuries that could’ve ended his career. NBA Hall of Famer John Stockton said the same thing, and even mentioned Greg Roskopf, the founder of MAT (and the man I first learned MAT from), in his hall of fame acceptance speech.
Then, a few years later, Greg shocked the sports world again when he helped rehab Peyton Manning after a series of neck injuries and surgeries that caused him to miss the entire 2011 season. After these injuries, his team released him, and many believed his career was over. Well, not only was his career NOT over, but Peyton ended up setting the all-time record for most touchdown passes in a season and winning a Super Bowl.
You can read this 2012 Sports Illustrated article for more info on Peytons amazing recovery- Stretching The Field – Sports Illustrated Vault |
In 2014, after working with “normal people” for 8 years, I saw the power MAT can have on an athlete’s career when I worked with several Major League Baseball players. None of them needed a transformation as dramatic as Manning, but all of them ended up having great results and signing much bigger contracts.
Here’s a newspaper article about my work with them- Trainer, athletes improve muscular reflexes | Your Observer
And here’s a video of a segment on ABC 7 about my work with All Star catcher Russell Martin-
Over the next few years, there were other notable athletes in different sports who had amazing results with MAT, which you can read more about here- MAT | News & Research | Press (
By far, the most compelling story I heard during that time was of a former Gold Medal Olympic Swimmer, who had been paralyzed in a motor vehicle accident, and ended up regaining some use of her legs again after working with Greg.
Then, in 2020, the golf world was buzzing about PGA pro Bryson Dechambeau after he won the Rocket Mortgage Classic and the US Open…with record breaking drives averaging 350 yards and ball speeds of 200 mph. Golfers, analysts and fans were asking- “how did he do it?” and according to Bryson, it really boiled down to getting his muscles to work right.
Earlier in his career, Bryson battled back and shoulder injuries that he thought could end his career early. In 2019, he started getting MAT with Greg Roskopf, and after that his body was able to recover from the injuries and keep up with the stress of playing. Then, Bryson began doing an intensive training program with Greg to increase his strength, size and speed, and that is what led to the record-breaking performances.
Here’s a great article from Golf Magazine about Bryson’s MAT training program.
Bryson Dechambeau’s Physical Transformation
Here’s a video from a news station in Denver about their work together:
Greg Roskopf Discusses MAT and How It Has Helped Bryson Dechambeau
After seeing early success with this focus on building maximum muscle mass, Bryson (whose idea it was to begin with) eventually decided to change course and focus less on muscle building and more just on strength building. He said that the 6000 calorie a day diet that he had to be on to maintain his muscle mass was causing all kinds of other problems, so he jumped ship on it in 2022.
However, all the work that he continues to do with Greg has certainly been paying off. In fact, he just won his second US Open Tournament last month and he even visited Greg afterwards to show him his trophy.

So, why am I bringing this up? Well, it’s not just to entertain you with fun stories, or to make my work look cool, but to it is to inspire you that you can make a change in your body too.
Whether you’re a golfer, a tennis player, a football player, or if your only “sport” is just trying to physically keep up with life’s demands- you need to get your muscles working right.
Here’s a short video of some different news interviews I’ve done where I explain this concept in more detail. It will give you a better understanding of what MAT is, how it works, and how you can benefit from it. You’ll also hear from some “regular people” that have had dramatic changes in their body by using this same process that million-dollar athletes swear by. Check it out by clicking here-
I hope you enjoy and benefit from all this. Be sure to pass it along!