114 Year Old Man Shares His Longevity Secrets

If I asked you, “what is your health and fitness goal?”   What would you say?  Would you say something that is weight related?  Pain related?  Sports related?

At one time in my life I would have said that my goal was to make it through chemotherapy.  At another time I would have said that it was to not be fat anymore.  At another time I would have said that my goal was to make my back strong enough to not have pain.  At age 36, all my health and fitness goals can be summarized by this one sentence- to live a long life and to be mentally and physically fit until the end.

Because this is my goal, I pay close attention for stories of others that have done the same thing.  I am a firm believer that if one other person has done it, Lord willing, it’s possible that I can do it too.

Today I read one such story.  It’s about a man named Bernando LaPallo, who had good mental and physical health until he died at the ripe ol’ age of 114.  As you’d expect, the fact that he was as old as he was and as healthy as he was, made a lot of people curious about what he did to take care of himself.  This led Bernando to write two books about the subject including “Beyond 100: How to Live Well Into Your Second Century.”  

This article summarizes some of Bernando’s nutrition and lifestyle tips.  There’s even a video of a segment his local news station did on him in 2011 commemorating his 110th birthday.  I think you will be shocked when you see how young he looks.  He could totally pass for 80.  If not 70!

Check it out here- 114 Year Old Man Attributes Health to These 5 Foods


Another neat article I read recently is from Forbes Magazine.  It explains how scientists are coming to the understanding that toxic petrochemical based products that we use everyday, could be replaced by hemp based products.

This is BIG news.  Not only is the hemp plant able to produce health promoting substances like CBD, but it also able to be used to make plastics, paper, textiles and even fuel.  Experts are saying that making the switch to hemp based products could make an enormous positive difference in the environment and significantly reduce oil dependency.  Very cool stuff!

Check out that article here- Industrial Hemp Is the Answer to Petrochemical Dependency 


 Lastly, I want to share with you an article that I wrote recently called“The Anatomy of the Golf Swing.”  It was featured this month in The Meadows Country Club newsletter and I’ve gotten good feedback on it so far.

Check it out here (on pages 8-9)- The Anatomy of the Golf Swing

Hope you enjoy these!  God bless!



P.S.- Every once in a while things happen in my vicinity that I can legitimately say are supernatural.  Sometimes they also involve someone getting healed.  A little over a week ago something like that happened and I believe it will encourage you to hear about it.

Myself and a friend go to Siesta Key beach every Saturday to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, give away free stuff and pray for people.  As we were setting up last Saturday (3/30) a young man whom we never met before came through the pavilion on crutches.

Someone attending the meeting went up to him and asked him what happened.  He said he fractured his foot a few days earlier and that it was too painful to walk on.  The man was then asked if he wanted prayer for healing and somewhat reluctantly, he said yes.

After we prayed for his foot, I told him that Jesus loves him, I shook his hand, and I went back to setting things up. As I turned around, he placed his foot down to pivot and I heard him yell “Oh S**t!!!!”  When I asked him what happened,  he said “I’m healed!” 

Thankfully I had the wherewithal to pull out my phone so I could capture the rest of his response on video.  It was VERY dramatic.  While I was taking the video, his two friends came up behind him and saw what was going on.  Their reaction is on the video too.

Even though I’ve seen it almost 20 times already, it still brings me great joy to watch it.  I also can’t help but laugh when, at the end of the video, one of his friends says “you don’t see that everyday!”

Check it out here- Bruce’s Foot Gets Instantly Healed

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