A Vitamin That You DO NOT Want To Be Deficient In

Hey! I hope you’re having a great day!

This time of the year brings many changes. Changes in the time from daylight savings time, days getting shorter as we approach the winter solstice and cooler temperatures (at least that’s what we’re told is supposed to happen…).

Because of these changes many of us make changes to our daily routines and end up not spending as much time outside during the hours when the sunlight is strong.

This can set us up for problems because we can end up suffering from Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D doesn’t behave like your typical vitamin. In fact it is actually very different structurally and it behaves more like a hormone. The Vitamin D in your body triggers key responses from your DNA and signals reactions in your body that protect against a multitude of health problems.

Just a few of the problems that can be caused or be worsened by Vitamin D deficiency are:


Muscle Weakness

High Cholesterol


Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Cardiovascular Disease



Inflammatory Bowel Disease

High Blood Pressure

Colds and Flus

And many more…

Our primary means of getting our needed amount of Vitamin D is through sun exposure.

Now I know that many people are very leery about being in the sun and I can certainly understand that. However, it only takes roughly 20 minutes of sun exposure per day for most people to get the amount of Vitamin D that they need. You just need to make sure that a lot of your skin is exposed to the sunlight (without sunscreen on) because the light waves have to hit your skin in order to be absorbed and then processed into Vitamin D.

In 20 minutes you will have not had the amount of sun exposure that would be considered risky for most skin disorders and you will have a significant boost to your vitamin D levels.

Although I am a believer in this, I am far from an expert in this topic, so if you want to learn more about Vitamin D and Vitamin D deficiency, I encourage you to click the link below to read more articles about it.


There are also supplement recommendations if you cannot get the necessary amount of sunlight.


Chris Vercelli MATm, RTS, CPT

Founder: Non-Fiction Fitness

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