My son and I are about to digress into some overdue father-son time, but before we do I wanted to let you know that I invested some time today into recording a video that you may really like.
It was on my agenda to do today because it will end up going with an article I’m writing for the April issue of Play Magazine, the areas leading sports and fitness magazine. The publishers deadline is Tuesday and with things in the office being so busy I knew I had to tackle it today.
The article is on how to get better hip and trunk rotation.
I see hip and trunk rotation as a big deal. If you want your body to generate any kind of power or have any meaningful amount of stability and balance than you have to have good rotation.
Case and point-> think of what you would naturally do if you were standing up and had to position your body to push or pull something that had some weight on it. What’s the first thing you’d likely do? Would you open up your stance and place one leg behind the other?
Try it now and see how much more powerful it feels to position yourself this way as compared to having your feet parallel. Have your feet 12-24 inches apart front to back and maybe 12-18 inches apart side to side. All relative to your leg length of course.
When you do it, place your hand across your upper thigh and lower abdomen. You’ll feel a bony nob called the Anterior Superior Illiac Spine. I’ll call it the ASIS for short.
The ASIS will move as you open up your stance the way I’ve described. This is due to your hips and spine rotating to allow you to get into this position. This position is naturally strong for balance, leverage and power. However, it isn’t going to be that way without your muscles being trained to move you there, stabilize you there and power the excursion in and out of there.
This is something I work on with my clients because many play a sport that requires rotation and they need to have it be strong for personal performance and mechanical injury prevention (or recovery for that matter). Or they may have some lower back and sacro-illiac discomfort in the area where the pelvis and spine meet.
Performance deficits in hip and trunk rotation can even contribute to issues lower in the chain, like in the knees or feet. I’d venture to say that most anyone can benefit from better hip rotation for one or more reasons.
I recorded a 7 minutes and 44 second video that has a few minutes of explanation of this complex and often misunderstood part of your anatomy, and a comprehensive starters (or novices) program for improving hip and trunk rotation.
Check it out by clicking here- Better Hip Rotation In Under 10 Minutes? (video link)
Hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!
Chris Vercelli MATm, RTS, CPT
Founder: Non-Fiction Fitness