It’s hard to believe that in less than four months, I will celebrate 25 years since I was discharged from chemotherapy and officially deemed “in remission” from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
The 26 months I spent in treatment were by far the hardest times of my life. During that time, not only was I severely traumatized by my own desperate fight for my life (which I OFTEN thought I was losing), but by the fact that other children were literally dying around me, leaving their parents and siblings heartbroken.
After that experience, I became totally radicalized to the idea that I needed to do whatever I could do to keep the cancer from coming back. Because of this, I earnestly searched out information that would help me to understand what to do and what not to do to keep myself healthy and cancer free.
Fast forward to the year 2008. That year, I came across a book written in the early 2000’s by a Medical Doctor named Don Colbert. It was called “Toxic Relief.” In the book, Dr. Colbert listed statistic after statistic, fact after fact about the widespread pollution in our air and water and the shocking levels of chemicalization of our food supply.
Dr. Colbert also made very clear scientific links in the book about how these massive doses of toxins that we are all ingesting…are actually the root causes of nearly every disease. Thankfully, the book also included lifestyle and diet recommendations to minimize toxic exposure.
After reading the book, I had two reactions. One was positive and one was negative. The positive reaction was gratitude, and the negative reaction was anger.
I was grateful that now I knew what to do to stay healthy (which has worked incredibly well for the past 16 years), but I was angry that these massive agriculture, pharmaceutical and food processing companies were able to get away with poisoning us this way.
Just to give ONE example of MANY- did you know that there are over 10,000 known toxins that are allowed in the US food supply? And did you know that all but about 400 of these same toxins are illegal throughout Europe? As a victim of this corruption, that kind of stuff makes me angry.
I have to admit, I was also quite angry at the medical system that trained my “world renowned cancer doctors”, because although they knew a lot about drugs and surgery…they NEVER once told me to drink more water, exercise, eat healthy or do anything else to minimize my exposure to cancer causing chemicals.
Fast forward to 2024…and now EVERYTHING has gotten SO much worse than it was 20 years ago. And, as you’d expect, the rate of EVERY mental and physical disease is at an all-time high. On top of that, our average lifespan is decreasing every year, and the QUALITY of life of all age groups is suffering tremendously under the weight of this toxic burden.
Honestly, at this point, we can’t settle for just a reformation…we need a REVOLUTION.
That being said, I am actually very intrigued by what is happening. Democrats, Republicans and Independant’s are finding tremendous agreement and unity around this issue and there is widespread talk of there being laws and policies enacted that would ban many of these toxins so that our food, water, air and environment are healthy again.
At the center of this movement are siblings Casey Means MD, and Calley Means. Casey is a Stanford trained physician, who finished first in her class, and was a practicing head and neck surgeon. Calley is a former high-level food and pharma industry lobbyist.
Both of them had an awakening several years ago, very similar to the one I had in 2008. They have since gone on to blow the whistle on how sick and unhealthy Americans are getting and how corporate capture of government regulatory agencies is largely to blame. They are also spearheading efforts to solve this problem, in part through a governmental revolution.
They are some of the most riveting speakers you’ll ever hear, and the details of their story are truly shocking and eye opening. Just recently they were featured on the world’s most popular podcast, and they spent over two hours sharing all the gory details about what is happening AND what to do about it.
In the interview they also offer insights into how to minimize your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s and other diseases. I guarantee you will learn something from it that you will benefit you.
You may also have a reaction like mine when I read Toxic Relief in 2008, where you think, “how is it possible that corporations and government agencies can get away with doing this to us?! This is wrong!”
Watch below:

I encourage you to please pass this along to your friends and loved ones. I would argue that when it comes to improving health, there is no message more important to hear than the one they are sharing.
God bless you!
P.S. I don’t know if it was done in an effort to censor this content, but you will not be able to play the video if you have your YouTube app on “restricted mode.” It’s easy to turn that off through your settings, but if you have trouble, email me back and I’ll send you a different link.