Fighting For Our Independence In 2015?

Hey!  Happy belated (American) Independence Day!

If you celebrated the 4th of July yesterday, I hope you had a good time.  We set off some fireworks at our house and put on a nice show for our neighbors.  It was a lot of fun.

When I think of independence its hard for me to fully wrap my mind around the gift we have in it on a national level.  I was never in the military and I certainly was not alive during times of national oppression.  Like many other things, I am grateful for our independence even though I can’t fully appreciate it.

What I can appreciate however, is the feeling of independence from other things, namely health problems.  It’s amazing how even an insignificant health problem like a bad cold can make you feel like your life gets taken over.  When this happens it can feel like part of your freedom goes away because you have to order your life around the problem.  It can be miserable.

Many of us have been there in one way or another.  Maybe it’s a condition causing pain in your body, maybe its an injury forcing severe activity restrictions, maybe its a disease forcing you to undergo treatment, change your diet or make some other dramatic change to your life.  For me it was leukemia, chronic back pain and obesity.  All of which controlled my life in some way or another and all of which I am maintaining my freedom from now- Thank God!

When we’re in a situation like this we have two options-

1. Become paralyzed with discouragement and hopelessness and let our problem continue to get worse and worse.

2. Take any small and meaningful action we can to create a better situation for ourselves.


Each one of us has the power to fight back against these problems in some way or another.  We can eat better, exercise more, drink more water, prioritize our sleep more, learn more about our body and how to maintain its health, enlist the help of experts, utilize new and cutting edge techniques, and so much more.

Even though we may not fully conquer everything, we can always create a better situation for ourselves by improving our health and regaining some of our lost freedom.  The challenge most of us have is that we give up to easily.  It’s easy to get discouraged when we’ve been doing something for a few weeks or a few months and we’re not where we want to be.  Unfortunately though, things with our health can often take much longer than that and if it were easy we’d all be healthy, pain free and able to physically do anything we wanted.

When it gets hard, just realize the only alternative is to quit and let things get worse!

If you don’t find yourself in a position where you are struggling with a problem like this now, make sure you are still taking action to maintain your health freedom.  If you don’t, you might lose it sooner than you think.

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