Healthy Shoulders Start Here

I have some exciting news is that after many months of work and testing, my At-Home Shoulder Flexibility Course has officially launched!

I’m really happy about this because for years, I’ve wanted to have a way to bring what I do with clients in the office, into peoples homes. As much as I always wanted this though, I knew that I didn’t have the specific technical knowledge about online platforms or videography that I needed, nor did I have the time to learn it.

About a year ago though, I met Dennis Hendrickson, the founder of Huge Tennis Academy, and creator of several online tennis training courses. In addition to being a former collegiate tennis player and a current tennis coach, Dennis is also brilliant at videography and using internet technology. Because of my partnership with him, now we can take what I do with clients in the office and bring it right into people’s homes 24 hours a day through online video. It’s really quite amazing.

And, I must tell you, the shoulder workout in this course is amazing. I can virtually guarantee that it is unlike ANY you’ve done before. For clients I’ve worked with personally, this workout is one that has increased range of motion, improved strength, decreased pain, and improved resilience to injury.

This workout is one that I literally believe everyone should do. At least everyone who uses their shoulders for anything.

With our At Home Shoulder Flexibility Course, I teach you:

How to do a flexibility evaluation of your shoulders in just minutes.

How to pinpoint the best exercises to do for your specific limitations.

How to increase range of motion, sometimes in just minutes.

How to improve the function of your shoulders, in a way that leads to less degeneration.

How to make your shoulders more resilient to an injury.

How to do a simple “check-in” with your shoulders regularly, so you can stay ahead of any potential problems.

and more..

Once you master these exercises and assessments, you will have far greater power over the current and future health of your shoulders. And, I go through everything in video format so all you do is follow along and do as I do. It’s really that easy.

To find out more, click this link- At Home Shoulder Flexibility Course

Couple things about the page. One, although the course is hosted by Huge Tennis Academy, it is also for non tennis players.

Also, there are two videos on the site. You don’t have to watch either of them, but just so you know, one is a 12 minute video of me explaining the science behind the unique program and the other is a very abbreviated self assessment.

You will also see a button that says “get started now” in the menu, and I highly encourage you to do that right away. In fact, I’m so confident that you will benefit from this workout, that you can try test drive the entire course for a month for just $1. During that month, you can cancel at anytime and pay nothing else.

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Here’s that link again- At Home Shoulder Flexibility Course

Thanks a lot for spending some time with me today. Have a great Memorial Day!

God bless!


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