Since going back to work, I’ve recognized the need to be proactive in helping ensure that my clients are not at risk of viral exposure while with me. That’s why I’ve gotten four coronavirus tests, despite having no symptoms. Thankfully, the three tests I’ve gotten back so far were negative and I got the fourth one just a few hours ago. I plan to continue this proactive testing every week or so, in addition to using a mask and practicing proper sanitation.
Today though I want to talk to you about another test I recently had done- The Micro-Nutrient Panel (MNP).
This test was recommended by my friend Dr. Chris Davis M.D. I told him that I felt good, but I wanted to improve my health any way that I could. He told me that the first thing I needed to do was test to see what my body needed. He recommended the MNP because it is so comprehensive. It measures the concentration of vitamins, minerals, metabolites, amino acids and antioxidants in the blood. Based on the results of this test, Dr. Davis could recommend a course of action to optimize my levels.
Knowing the importance of every one of these micro-nutrients, I was anxious to get the test. Once I saw the results, I was so happy that I did. Turns out that I am good on everything except zinc (which was REALLY low), and the amino acid glutamine.
That may not seem like a big deal, but these two micro-nutrients are vital for health. Zinc plays major role in immune system health, metabolism, healing, synthesizing DNA and more. Glutamine is a critical amino acid that plays a huge role in protein synthesis, cell repair and immune system health. In fact, lack of glutamine can cause poor intestinal health, which can compromise your immune system.
Think how I felt after I saw that during this entire pandemic, I was deficient in two critical micro-nutrients for my immune system health. You better believe I ordered supplements right away!
If you want to see a copy of my report, click below:
So with all that said, I highly encourage you to have one of these tests done also. Mine was super easy. I called Chris and he had the company send me a test kit. I used the provided finger stick device, put a few drops of blood on the test panel, let it dry, sealed it in the bag they provided, put it in the envelope they provided, and then mailed it back to them.
The results took a little over a week to get, and the cost was very reasonable.
If you’re interested in one for yourself or a loved one, call Reveal Vitality at 941-217-2777.
Also, if you haven’t seen my two recorded interviews with Dr. Davis about Immune System health, check them out by going to
I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday! God bless you!