What a week it has been! Our mission trip to Ft. Lauderdale truly was amazing! Spring break down there is CRAZY though! There were tens of thousands of college kids on the beach, and they were pretty much all drunk and trying to “hook up” with each other at all times. I’ve never seen so many thongs in my entire life! LOL!
It was amazing that even in that condition, so many were receptive to the gospel. Thousands heard the good news of Jesus Christ and we got to pray with and/or counsel dozens of them as well. It was so fun!
You can see some of the pics and videos we took by clicking here- Ft. Lauderdale Mission Trip Videos and Pics
Also, if you have Facebook, you can view a video of me sharing stories of things that happened on the trip.
Click here to see that- Mission Trip Stories
Now, I didn’t fully realize it until after I got back and did some reading, but the youth of America has had a rough couple of years. Maybe that is why they were more receptive to the message of eternal hope that we were sharing. According to reports, mental health issues, drug abuse and suicide rates have all been significantly elevated over the past two years, largely stemming from the pandemic and the lockdowns. It’s pretty eye-opening stuff. In fact, suicide attempts even rose 51% amongst young girls, as discussed in this article- CDC Reports 51% Increase in Suicide Attempts Amongst Teen Girls
So anyway, please continue to pray for this generation.
They are the future of America and we need them to be alive and well!
God bless!