Steve Gillenwater’s Experience Working With Me To Help His Hips and Shoulders

Steve’s Gillenwater’s body has been through a lot.  In 1984 when Steve was 23 years old, he was in a dirt bike accident that literally snapped the head of his femur off.  After 3 attempts to try and save it, Steve had to have a hip replacement.  He has had 2 more hip surgeries since.  Due to the massive amount of muscle atrophy, plus the compensation patterns he developed, over the years Steve has not only had chronic hip pain, but pain throughout his lower body.  He has also had some severe shoulder injuries, one of which required surgery.  According to Steve, pain was just a part of life. 

Steve works as a church janitor and unfortunately he didn’t have the funds to see someone like me to get the help that he needed.   Thankfully a dear woman who goes to church with Steve saw his struggles and offered to pay for him to come and see me twice a week.  She also wanted to keep her identity a secret, so I won’t publicly mention her name.  It was an amazing act of kindness that left Steve in awe.  What is also neat about this story is that although his secret angel had no idea when his birthday was, the day the gift was actually given to him turned out to be… his birthday!  It made for an unforgettable day for Steve!

It’s been a little over 6 weeks and by the grace of God, Steve is already doing a lot better.  He is not only feeling better physically but he is also way more optimistic about the future.  We recently recorded this video of him sharing his experience, and although he was a little nervous, you can definitely hear the joy in his voice. 

If you are struggling with a musculoskeletal problem, fill out the form on the contact us page to have a free phone conference. 

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