What a week to remember…
At this time last Sunday I was in my home standing in awe of what God was doing to calm Hurricane Irma down from a ruthlessly devastating storm, four times the size of the State of Florida, to….what is was.
ABC 7 meteorologist Dennis Phillips was quoted saying, “There is no way to explain how this storm has diminished so quickly, except that a lot of prayers have gone up. 24 hours ago we were looking at the worst storm in history. Now it is lessening and the eye has collapsed. It has dropped to a 2 and lessening and is not going up the coast. We are in a much better position.”
I wish everyone in every country and community had been shown the same mercy we were shown in our region. Despite this, I cannot help but rejoice at how much mercy we were given. It is truly so much more than any of us deserved.
One theory has arisen which may explain the mechanism by which our “Red Sea parted.”
In the panhandle there was a significant drop in temperature between Saturday and Sunday (about 11 degrees). This cooler air may have combined with a strong wind coming out of the northwest, which blew the colder air down south. It is plausible that as more of this cold air met Irma head on, she began to significantly fizzle out.
As I was watching the weather channel while the eye wall was in Naples, our temperature in Sarasota was a brisk 74 degrees. I could sure feel that big drop in temperature when I went outside to play in the rain shortly thereafter. That was definitely a memorable part of the day!
Anyway, although I love talking about the BIG miracles, today I want to also mention a smaller, yet arguably more personal one- The Miracle of Motion.
Our bodies were created with motion in mind.
Motion drives an immense number of biological processes that are absolutely critical for the health of our entire body. As it most relevantly pertains to the clients I work with, motion helps drive the health of muscles, joints, nerves and connective tissues. Motion also helps to improve and protect flexibility, while often eliciting powerful pain relieving effects.
It’s not exactly a “hurricane calming miracle” but it is pretty darn amazing!
For the last several months I’ve been cooking up a simple, user friendly formula for how to use motion to move better, feel better and heal faster. I think I’ve got it. I call it:
The Core 4:
The 4 simple, one-minute exercises that mobilize every joint in every direction so you can improve flexibility, reduce muscle and joint discomfort, gain a boost of energy and stimulate healing.
Sounds cool doesn’t it? Well, here’s the best news…
Tuesday nights at 5:15 p.m. I will be teaching a free (yes, really free) class on how to do the Core 4. You can come as often as you want as long as there is space. The address is 3400 Longmeadow, Sarasota, 34235.
Many people reading this would say “why free?” Well, of course I know that a few people who come to my free class will hire me because they want more extensive help, however, I also know that the more people consistently do The Core 4, the more they will experience the benefits, share the good news with others, and the more this “miracle” will spread.
I’d go to bed way happier every night knowing that because I was willing to give up an hour a week, people in my community were able to pursue a more active life and rely less on drugs, shots, surgery and the like. That’s just how I’m wired.
So anyway, if you’re curious, send me an email and let me know you’d like a future slot.
Thanks for taking me on the journey with you.
May God continue to bless you and show you many more of His miracles!
Founder: Non-Fiction Fitness