This USA Today News Story Blew My Mind!

Talking with some of my clients this week about what is going on in the news has been admittedly a bit of a downer.  With news about terrorist attacks, measles outbreaks, news anchors lying and other “bad” news, my general disdain for mainstream media news stories was reinforced substantially.

Then I read another story that completely changed everything.

USA Today, the nations most widely circulated newspaper ran a story this week about a boy in Missouri who drowned in an icy lake.  He was under water, fully submerged for 15 minutes, pulled out, taken to the hospital and given CPR for 27 minutes with no success.  His body temperature was down to 88 degrees and he had been clinically dead for 45 minutes.  Doctors struggled to decide whether to quit or to continue because the situation looked impossible.

But that’s not the end of the story….

What happened next shocked everyone in the room.  Within two minutes the boy had miraculously regained a pulse and his body temperature went up 6 whole degrees!  He is now alive and well and exhibiting no brain or organ damage, despite having no oxygen to his brain during the entire ordeal.

This page of the USA Today website has the text of the article and it has a video interview of the boy, his family and the doctors explaining what brought him back to life.

I felt compelled to share this with you because my aim is to help you in the area of your health any way I can and sometimes we all just need fresh hope that things can change for the better.

I have confidence that if you or anyone else you know is facing a difficult situation in your health (or are ever concerned that you will) reading this article and watching the video will give you fresh hope and ease some of the worries.  Enjoy!

Have a blessed day!


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