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A Sneak Peek at My New Book

Although I can't say things feel "normal" again yet, I am glad that this past week I got back to part time status by doing 26 total sessions with clients. Not nearly what it was like pre-shutdown, but it's a great start.

One nice thing about having this extra time is that it has given me opportunities to work on things that had been previously put on the back burner. One of those things is the revision to my 2013...

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7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Faith

Today I want to share an article with you that was written by Dr. Don Colbert M.D. Don practices holistic medicine and he has written many books on the subject. One area that he specializes in is how spiritual health affects physical health. I'm glad that he does, because most people are unaware of the strong connections between the two.

I came across an article of his recently that succinctly summarizes some of the key, scientifically proven benefits of faith. I think you'll find it very...

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Medical Journal Retracts COVID-19 Drug Study

Even though the collective consciousness of Americans is beginning to shift from the pandemic onto other things, I felt it was necessary to comment on a very interesting piece of COVID-19 news that was announced this week.

First, let me take you back a few months.

In February and early March, many experts I listened to were saying that there were no promising treatments for coronavirus that they were aware of. Then, one drug started getting lots of publicity...

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Healthy Shoulders Start Here

I have some exciting news is that after many months of work and testing, my At-Home Shoulder Flexibility Course has officially launched!

I'm really happy about this because for years, I've wanted to have a way to bring what I do with clients in the office, into peoples homes. As much as I always wanted this though, I knew that I didn't have the specific technical knowledge about online platforms or videography that I needed, nor did I have the time to...

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Staying Fit While Staying Home

Today has been great. I got to go to church, play golf with my dad, and spend some time at my parents' house with my son. I have to say that if it weren't for the masks, it would have felt almost "normal!"

Speaking of things getting back to normal, it was just announced that gyms are now able to reopen and The Meadows is currently deciding which day to reopen their gym. It looks like it will be this...

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Immune System 101 w/ Dr. Chris- Part 2

Now that I've had my "behind the mask" visit with my parents for Mother's Day (big shout out to moms everywhere!!), I wanted to send you the latest installment of Immune System 101 with my friend and colleague Dr. Chris Davis M.D.

As I've mentioned before, Chris has a very unique and VERY compelling story. After over 14 years of traditional medicine, despite having an extremely busy practice, Chris became dissatisfied with the traditional medical model. He realized that it really didn't allow him to...

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Immune System 101 with Dr. Chris

Now that we are starting to see light at the end of this crazy tunnel we've been in, it's a good time to begin to think about a "get back to life game plan."

Of course, I'd imagine we will all be more cognizant about close contact with people, crowds and hand washing, but what I certainly hope we all pay more attention to is our immune system health.

One thing I've thought about during this pandemic...

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COVID-19 Survivor Celebrates 104th Birthday

I love coming across a positive, uplifting story. Don't you? If so, you'll love this one.

William Lapschies was born in Salem, Oregon on April 1st, 1916. He was two years old when the Spanish Flu Pandemic swept across the world and he was 27 when he was drafted into World War 2.

On March 10th of this year William was diagnosed with COVID-19. A few days later, a doctor at the nursing home where he has...

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Why I Had a Needle In My Arm Last Week…

This past week I was very blessed to reconnect with a good friend and colleague of mine Dr. Chris Davis M.D. Chris is truly one of my healthcare heroes because of his radical commitment to his patients' well being. Chris also has a pretty unique story.

After being trained at Johns Hopkins and being bestowed the honor of Chief Medical Resident, Chris began a medical practice in Bradenton that became enormously successful. But, after over 10 years of practicing conventional medicine, Chris realized that...

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How to Strengthen Your Soldiers For Battle

What a crazy time it is right now. Who would have thought that in a matter of weeks we would all go from life as usual to having nearly everything turned upside down? It's all so surreal that I don't think it's even fully sunk in for me yet.

In my 37 years I've only had a few moments where a very significant, very unwanted, and very unexpected thing happened so suddenly that it changed my life within a...

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