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Don’t Let These Rob You of a Better Life

Do you recall the last time you felt disappointed or discouraged? Don't you hate feeling like that? Think back to what it was that prompted those feelings. Chances are pretty good that it was because of something we all deal with from time to time- unmet expectations.

Unmet expectations can be very destructive. They have destroyed families, marriages, businesses, careers, friendships, pursuits of dreams, and much more. They have also successfully kept many strong men and woman in depressed, hopeless or disappointed states of mind,...

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Videos to Help You Learn How to Move Better, Feel Better and Heal Faster

New and Useful Resources for You…and a Little Sentiment

Whenever I begin a new year it is very common for me to do a lot of reflecting. This new year has got me doing that on steroids because I've not only been reflecting on 2019, but on the events of the entire decade that just ended as well.

Two things happened this week that were fun to reflect on. Friday morning I was reminded that it was exactly 12 years ago (1/10/2008) since I had my first full feature article in...

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My Case For New Years Resolutions

I sure do love this time of year, don’t you?

We’ve celebrated some great holidays where we’ve commemorated some amazing miracles, and now we get to count down to the beginning of a new year. So exciting!

Being that we are only days away from 2020, I would be remiss not to say something about "New Years Resolutions." Studies show that health related goals often top peoples list, and this year should be no different.

Age Slower and Feel Better By Doing Less of This..

About 3 weeks ago I began working with a woman named Linda, who was having bad back pain and sciatica. Linda was referred to me by her son Jesse, whom I had helped with chronic neck and shoulder problems. He felt that her issue was partly muscular also.

During my assessment of Linda's body, I found movement restrictions, skeletal misalignments and inhibited muscles in various places through her spine and hips. This is very common to find in people with this kind...

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An 82 Year Old Woman Did What??!

Today is a special day for me. It is exactly 22 years since I was diagnosed with leukemia and essentially told, "get treatment or die." It took 26 months to get through the entire chemotherapy regimen. By the grace of God, I made it through alive and I have never had a relapse. Whoo-hoo!!!!

If you know my story, than you know that exercise helped turn my life around. Before I began to exercise, I was getting weaker and weaker, sicker and sicker, and...

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More Powerful Than Drugs, Experts Say

This week I had the pleasure of giving a lecture on exercise for a group of close to 50 seniors. These lectures are always invigorating for me because as I'm doing them, I feel so grateful that I get to share truly LIFE changing information with people and call it "work". I also love sharing my own personal story of how exercise changed my life as a teenager battling cancer. That always seems to connect with people and it takes my gratitude to...

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Want Healthier Shoulders? Do This..

How do your shoulders feel right now? Do they feel tight? Stiff? Achy? Weak? Vulnerable? Hopefully not, but if they do I've got good news for you- this can change very soon.

I'm excited to announce that I am nearing the completion of my very first online rehab program. The area of focus is on, you guessed it, the shoulders.

Having worked with hundreds and hundreds of people over the years to help them resolve various orthopedic issues, I've...

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I Tried This Today and I Liked It..

For years I've heard various people say that they benefit from Epsom salt baths. But.. since I've never been much of a "bath person", I didn't get around to trying it until today.

I have to say I really liked it. I stayed in for about 30 minutes and my body got more and more relaxed as time went on. Then I went to the gym afterwards and played two games of full court basketball. I was surprised that my left leg, which...

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