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Overcoming the Voice of Discouragement

Ever been in a situation where you hear a voice in your head telling you all the reasons to quit something that you know is good for you?  Maybe you have an ailment that’s bothering you and you’ve had a hard time staying patient with the process of rehabbing.  Maybe you’re unhappy with your fitness or athletic performance and you’ve struggled to stay consistent with exercise and healthy eating.  Maybe you’ve been trying to make some other change to your life and you’re frustrated that...
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A Few Victory Stories and More..

Don't you hate being sick?  Me too. Last Wednesday I suddenly had a tickle arrive in my throat and by Thursday, it had turned into a mild cough and congestion.  Friday wasn't terrible but yesterday morning I felt like I had a full blown cold.  I went through more tissues than I can recount by noon and it was starting to look like there was a chance my weekend was going to be derailed by it. Of course, I'm pretty militant when it comes to taking care...
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New Study Shows This Spice Can Boost Memory and Mood

I've come across some pretty interesting articles over the past few weeks that I thought you'd be interested in. This one comes from Dr. Don Colbert, M.D. and it is about the new study that revealed some additional benefits of taking this powerful anti-inflammatory spice. Check it out by clicking here- This Spice Can Boost Memory and Mood   Another article that I found quite interesting was published by NBC News about how this under-performed type of exercise can (in addition to benefiting your body...
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Natural Healing Secrets Revealed…On One Page

Today's topic was inspired by a precious woman named Joanne who began working with me this past week.  Joanne was referred to me by a friend of hers because she has been having serious back and shoulder pain and hasn't been able to find the thing/s she needs to do to get better.    Once my evaluation was complete, I sat down with her to explain my findings and summarize what we were going to do to get her back to normal life again. I told...
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An All Natural Way to Reduce Inflammation

With dozens of known benefits, 11,416 scientific studies, and countless thousands of happy consumers, turmeric and its primary extract curcumin have been taking the natural health world by storm for years.  One of its most powerful (and appealing) properties is its ability to reduce inflammation.  Chronic inflammation is linked to nearly every disease or health condition.  It makes pain feel worse, it depletes energy and it sets the stage for accelerated aging.  Bottom line- it sucks! With herbs such as turmeric, we now have weapons we...
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One of the Best, and Easiest, Core Exercises Ever

Ever have one of those days when your back and hips feel a little more stiff than usual?  Me too.  Yesterday was one of them. My son and I played mini golf at Evie's, and since they also have a full driving range, I decided to hit a bucket of balls before we left.  Even though I'm not a huge golfer, it sure did feel good to swing the club and hit a few good balls. Until about 3 hours later.. After we got home, I felt some...
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Sports Legend Dies at 88….Yet His Legacy Lives On

As I was opening my computer to begin writing today's newsletter, I saw an article about the death of sports legend Roger Bannister. Bannister, while surrounded by his family, died peacefully in Oxford England yesterday (3/3) at age 88.  As you may already know, for nearly 64 years, Bannister lived as one of the most famous athletes of all time for one single accomplishment- he was the first man ever to run a mile in under 4 minutes.  This accomplishment has a pretty...
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A Few Inspirational Stories

My son and I just got back from seeing a spectacular performance at the Sarasota Circus.  We saw trapeze artists, jugglers, strong men, and even a couple that could change outfits under a towel in about 2 seconds flat.  It was AMAZING!   Every year I am blown away by the incredible display of talent they have and I always leave inspired. This year however, I was inspired for a different reason- I saw two performers make mistakes and try their trick again.  Odd thing to be...
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I’ll NEVER Be the Same After I Saw This…

Hey my friend! I love writing about new and exciting health discoveries, but today I have something slightly different to share.  I witnessed something recently that has changed my life. Since it has to do with healing, and since the story is too cool not to share, I decided to devote today’s newsletter to it. You’ll be glad you read every word, trust me. What Started As A Weekend Getaway... Every January, members of our church and other believers from across the state gather at Wekiwa Springs State Park and...
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How Can They Play Through All The Pain??

As I was thinking about the big game tonight I was reminded of a former client of mine who passed away last spring.  His name was Bill Cox and prior to going to work full time for the US Government, he played 3 seasons of professional football for the Washington Redskins in the 1950's.
Bill used to tell me stories about what it was like to play back in the "leather helmet" days. He told me about fractured skulls, dislocated shoulders, severely...
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