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20 Years Ago This Week, I Began a Fight For My Life

Have you ever had one of those days where all you can think about is how grateful you are?  That's been my entire week.  Thinking about where my life was 20 years ago, makes me so grateful just to be alive to tell you this story.  In the interest of time I’ll give you the Readers Digest version. December 1st, 1997, 1:45 p.m. I left school early that day to go to a doctor for a second opinion on why such strange...
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Here’s How Heart Rate Can Affect Your Health

Have you ever thought of something and felt your heart rate go up? Usually this happens if the thought causes you to get angry, irritated, annoyed or nervous.  When this happens, scientists are finding that decision making, mood, immune system function and the health of your entire body can become compromised. A leading research group called The Heart Math Institute has paved the way for assessing Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and its effects on the way the body operates.  Their research has shown...
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Harvard Researchers Discover How Food Affects Mood

Often I'm asked about my diet and what I eat to keep myself so healthy.  Having been a cancer patient and an obese kid, diet and nutrition have not only been important topics of professional study, but of personal study as well. What I've been doing over the last few years is experimenting with various types of omission diets. These are diets where you omit one type of food and see how your body reacts.  Over the years I've found foods that I could clearly feel (sometimes...
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Another Pharmaceutical Company Buys Itself Out Of Trouble…

As I was preparing to write this newsletter today, a story from the Washington Post popped up on my news feed. The headline was alarming and the subject matter sickened me to read.  It is yet another example of pharmaceutical companies colluding with government officials for selfish gain. Here's a short synopsis: Most of us are aware of the opiod epidemic in America.  These drugs have claimed the lives of over 197,000 people since the year 2000 and countless others have become severely addicted to them. The proverbial "pill...
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Dance Your Way To A Younger Brain

In the last article I wrote to you I told you about what I call "The Miracle of Motion." I explained how joint specific mobilization is a huge key to unlocking healing potential within your body, particularly in the musculoskeletal system.  Today I want to share with you some new research that sheds light on how motion (in the form of dancing) can significantly improve brain function. (Article written by Dr. Don Colbert, M.D. 9/1/17) How often do you dance?  If your answer is “not often,” then you...
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The Miracle of Motion

What a week to remember... At this time last Sunday I was in my home standing in awe of what God was doing to calm Hurricane Irma down from a ruthlessly devastating storm, four times the size of the State of Florida, to....what is was. ABC 7 meteorologist Dennis Phillips was quoted saying, "There is no way to explain how this storm has diminished so quickly, except that a lot of prayers have gone up.  24 hours ago we were looking at the worst storm in history.  Now it...
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The Calm IN The Storm

What a week to remember. For those of us in Florida, our minds have been fixated on Hurricane Irma and thoughts of fear and anxiety over our lives, our health, our property and our loved ones have sometimes been overwhelming. It's in times like this that we long to put our trust in someone or something bigger and stronger than us. In addition to doing all the necessary storm preparations, this week I've been meditating on the goodness of God and how He has always been faithful...
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At Ease and Feeling Good In 5 Minutes

I have a real quick nugget to share with you today and I feel like I'm "paying it forward" because it has blessed me a ton. Recently I taught a class for a group of clients on how to use breathe to increase relaxation and lower stress.  We spent some time that evening doing an interactive breathing and relaxation routine that is proven to reduce blood pressure, reduce pain, ease muscle tension and enhance sleep.  The feedback I got was great. Sadly I don't have a video...
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18 Miraculous Things Happening Inside Your Body RIGHT NOW!

Myself and 6 others are heading up to Georgia today so that we can witness the solar eclipse in its totality tomorrow.  I'm so excited I can hardly wait! Maybe I'm unique, but I am continually fascinated by the work of our Creator.  Whether it's enjoying the beaches of Sarasota, hiking the mountains of Colorado or seeing an astronomical phenomenon like an eclipse, observing the natural world is a sure fire way to have my mind blown on demand! As great as it is to appreciate all...
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Government Corruption, Dead Mice and Foods On Our Shelves that Are Illegal Elsewhere…

I'm going to warn you, today's article is not as upbeat and positive as most of mine are.  In fact, I'm deeply angered by what I'm about to share with you. I read an article this week about 10 foods that are so toxic that they are banned in other countries, yet remain 100% legal and widely used in the United States.  It got me thinking about whether those in government offices can be trusted to protect us. At the top of the hierarchy are those at...
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