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Lessons Learned From the G.O.A.T.

Something about me that many people don't know is that I constantly look for life lessons and inspiration from other peoples challenges, struggles and victories.  I've found that when you live this way, every once in a while you find something pretty amazing being lived out right in front of you.  I want to share one with you that has impacted me this week. Tennis fan or not, you've likely heard the name Roger Federer.  Federer, or "Fed" as he is often called, is according to...
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Israeli Scientists Discover This Plant Extract Helps Build and Repair Bone

I'm so thankful to live in a day and age where technology is allowing us to understand the mysteries of nature in such a profound way. This is especially exciting in the field of health and medicine, where scientists are working constantly to find natural ways to treat and prevent bodily disease and dysfunction. In a study published by The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Tel Aviv University scientists found that a non-psychoactive extract from the cannabis plant (also known as marijuana) significantly sped up bone healing...
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This Is Like Seeing Into Your Own Body

I'm winding down a day that included a morning of practicing tennis and an afternoon of league basketball.  Needless to say I'm pretty spent and ready for an evening of relaxation. It's times like these that I love getting things like what I'm sending to you because I can just sit on the couch and vedge out to it for hours. Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Randall Sechrest M.D. has put together some pretty amazing video animations of the human skeletal system.  If you're like me, stuff like...
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This Song Is Proven to Make Brains “Come Alive”

You've probably had a time or two where a song comes on the stereo and it quickly changes your mood. For years, music has been shown to have the power to move human emotion, aid with concentration, relaxation and stress relief and encourage body movement. However, until recently there wasn’t much research that showed how and why these physiological changes occurred. Chinese researchers at the Zhejiang University of Medicine ran a set of experiments to see what a popular fast paced, dance style song had on...
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Conquer These and Life Will Never Treat You the Same Again..

Do any of these statements sound familiar? I'll never be able to do that... I'll never be good enough for that... I'll never beat this.. I'll never get better...  This is always going to happen to me.. I'm too old for that... I'm willing to wager that you've heard something similar to these statements coming from someone in your life recently.  You've probably heard them coming from your own mind a time or two also. Why is this such a common occurrence?   Why do we hear things like this from so many...
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Are You Really “Pro-Choice?”

No this is not a political message.  However, it is one that is critically important and is even affecting you right now as you read this email. Let me begin by sharing a slightly embarrassing story that helps set the stage. In November of 2013, I was driving from Sarasota to Miami to take a continuing education class on muscle testing and neuromuscular activation techniques.  It was one of seven 3 day classes I took over a 9-month period at the same location, so I was quite...
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Yale Researchers Discover A Way to Train Your Brain For Success

This past week I had the opportunity to help give a short lecture on a fascinating topic of psychology called automaticity, and I was teaching the concepts about it that were explained by a Yale University research review. (I've included the link below in case you want to read it).  Automaticity, although somewhat of a foreign term, is one of those things that most of us sort of intrinsically know about, but have never really thought about or had explained to us. The reason we need...
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MRI Scans Show Which Mental Exercises Can Reduce Pain

I got a call the other day from a new client.  He and I had recently finished our initial evaluation and we were all set to begin working together next week. He had bad news. Early last week he was swinging a golf club and he suddenly felt a deep, sharp pain that brought him to his knees.  The pain was so bad that his friends had to literally carry him back to the cart. Since then he has been in constant agony. I advised him to go...
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Better Hip Rotation In Under 10 Minutes?

My son and I are about to digress into some overdue father-son time, but before we do I wanted to let you know that I invested some time today into recording a video that you may really like. It was on my agenda to do today because it will end up going with an article I'm writing for the April issue of Play Magazine, the areas leading sports and fitness magazine.  The publishers deadline is Tuesday and with things in the office being so busy I knew I...
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With Preparation Like This, He Can’t Help But Win All the Time

I have to tell you, I've been truly inspired by someone over the past week. This man has been surrounded by a great deal of controversy over the past few years and he definitely has a lot of critics.  Heck, I was even one of them.  For a multitude of reasons. However, after last Sunday, I now look at him very differently. Tom Brady, the New England Patriots Quarterback (with a lot of help from his defense, his receivers and his running backs) engineered the greatest comeback in...
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