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About: admin

Recent Posts by admin

Brain Scans Show 4 Ways To Stimulate Happiness

Hey! I hope you are having a great day! Happiness. Now there is something we are all interested in. If you ask just about anyone on the planet if they would want to be happier more often, I don't think they would say no. Most of us make our greatest attempt to order our lives in such a way that ensures that we will be happy. This desire helps us decide which relationships to get into or stay out of, which activities to partake in, which career...
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Valuable Health Lessons Learned Through the World Series

Hey! I hope your day is going great! I have had an awesome week. If you have been reading my articles for a while, you've probably picked up on the fact that I'm a baseball fan. If you also follow baseball than you know that The Kansas City Royals just won the World Series for the first time in 30 years. Being that I was born and raised in Kansas City and used to go to the ballpark quite often as a kid, this win was really...
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An Important Blood Test That Will Measure Inflammation

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! Blood work. An unpleasant topic for many people. Just talking about it makes many people cringe. Feeling the needle in your arm and seeing your own blood is enough to make some people throw up and others pass out. I totally get it. I had to get blood drawn dozens of times while going through chemotherapy as a teen and I must say that it was never what I would call enjoyable. However, as I got wiser to the usefulness...
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A Pill That Can Reduce Inflammation AND Slow Down Aging? 17 Studies Say…

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! If you've been following my writings for any length of time you know that I am pretty skeptical about claims and marketing ploys made within the health industry. There are too many "facts" taken way out of context and too many companies promising people the world just to get them to become customers. This legitimately bothers me because it makes people think that there is a quick, easy and effortless way to make their body exactly what they want...
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This Spice Has Some Amazing Health Benefits

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! The past few weeks have been so exciting for me because I've been watching some of my favorite baseball teams work their way through the playoffs. Two of the three teams I've had a chance to work with professionally- the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Toronto Blue Jays, made it in and so did my hometown Kansas City Royals. I've been virtually glued to the screen every evening watching these teams battle for advancement toward...
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6 Common Causes of Morning Stiffness and What to Do About It

Hey!  I hope you're having a great day! Did you wake up this morning feeling stiff or sore?  If you didn't consider yourself lucky.  Many people struggle with this common problem and can often get terribly discouraged by it despite the fact that the stiffness seems to go away as the day moves on. But what causes this extremely common phenomenon?  Here are some things to consider. 1) Sleeping position.  Roughly one third of our life will be spent in bed and not all sleep positions are safe...
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Making This Small Change Can Reduce Stress on Your Knees, Hips or Feet

Hey!  I hope you're having a great day! If you're like me than you've probably had a time or two where you've had some activity induced soreness in your knees, hips or feet.  If you haven't, consider yourself lucky.  For the rest of us we know that there are certain things we have to be careful with in order to not develop a problem in these areas. For me it was basketball.  After about the fourth week of playing again I started to get very sore on...
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This Could Be the Key to having More Energy

Hey!  I hope you're having a great day! Have you ever had one of those days where something happens that makes you think that you should change something about your life?  Last Sunday was one of those days for me. For the second day in a row I had played basketball and for the second day in a row I felt like I just didn't have enough endurance to keep up at a competitive level throughout the entire string of games.  The weeks prior to this I...
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Are Your Thoughts Harming Your Body? New Research Findings…

Hey!  I hope you're having a great day! This week I've been thinking about a topic that I find fascinating and that I am reading more and more about as the years go on.  It is the mind-body connection. It's easy to see the connection between the mind and the body by simply analyzing the reactions we have to certain mental/emotional states.  Take fear for instance. When you are truly afraid, the first thing you may notice is that your heart rate increases similar to going through a...
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Which of These People is More Like You?

Hey!  I hope you're having a great day! This past week was interesting because I had a few more opportunities than usual to share stories with people about things I've been through, been able to overcome and been able to accomplish.  I was around a number of people who needed to hear an encouraging story and it was nice to revisit a few memories that I don't often think about unless I'm in that type of situation.
Often times when I do this I get reminded of...
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