The Story I Told to 1 Million People on Television

Earlier this month I was featured on a National Television show for the first time.  The reason they put me on was so I could share the story of how I met Dr. Paul Hambrick. You probably have no idea who that is, but to me, Dr. Hambrick was a Godsend.  Here’s why.  In March of 2007, I was beginning to sense that I needed to put more focus on my Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) practice and less on my personal training practice, so I began to pray about what I needed to do.  I got the answer, and I obeyed. Within about 5 days I began working with a woman, Denise Cady, who introduced me to Dr. Hambrick. 

Here’s what Denise had to say about working with me…

Dr. Hambrick had been having chronic, severe pain in his shoulder for about a year and a half.  According to him, he had tried everything he could think of, but nothing was helping much.  He was very intrigued by what I was doing, and he asked to come in for a session.  Within about 20 minutes he got up off the table and said that his shoulder was 95% better.  He was amazed.  He left my office that day with a virtually pain free body, my business cards, and a personal goal of sending as many people to me as possible. 

Here’s what Dr. Hambrick had to say about working with me…

During the next few weeks I got one call after another from his patients.  All totaled, I got about 15-20 new clients from him in about a month.  It was amazing!  That one connection helped launch me into where I am today and it’s so cool that I recently got to tell the story to 1 million people on television!

Here’s the segment that appeared on television…

Thanks for letting me share my miracle story with you!!



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