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About: admin

Recent Posts by admin

A 51% Increase in Suicide Attempts!?

What a week it has been!  Our mission trip to Ft. Lauderdale truly was amazing!  Spring break down there is CRAZY though!  There were tens of thousands of college kids on the beach, and they were pretty much all drunk and trying to "hook up" with each other at all times.  I've never seen so many thongs in my entire life! LOL! 

It was amazing that even in that condition, so many were receptive to the gospel.  Thousands heard the good...

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CDC Director: “We Were Too Optimistic About COVID Vaccines”

In the past few weeks, as case numbers continue to fall and as the world remains fixated on the war in Ukraine, it seems as though governments and media are slowly releasing us from the "COVID fog" that we've been in for the past two years.  With cities and states removing mandates and lifting lockdown restrictions, the general consensus seems to be that for now, it's time to just move on. 

Given this change in overall attitude towards the disease,...

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4 Pharma Companies Pay $26B to Settle Lawsuits

Like many, much of my thought life and prayer life over the past week has been devoted to the situation unfolding in Ukraine.  Given that my future wife Sofiya spent her first 14 years in Donetsk, Ukraine (which was overtaken by Russia last Tuesday), the entire situation has become very personal to me. Sofiya has been getting reports from her friends and family on the ground, and so far, everyone is alive.  They even have full functioning internet, which is such a blessing.  Many...

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Biblical and Prophetic Meanings of 222…For US

Ever since I realized I got saved on 2/22 on the lunar Hebrew calendar (5/20/06 on the solar calendar), God has used this number combination to speak to me about many things. I'm noticing that He is speaking to others about this number sequence too. The most common tie in I've heard has to do with Isaiah 22:22, where God says, "I will place on his shoulders the key of David and what he opens no one will shut and what...

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From Near Fatal Car Wreck to Olympic Silver Medal

Every once in a while, I hear a story that really inspires me.  Usually, for me, those stories are about overcoming adversity, persevering through obstacles, and achieving what once seemed impossible.  By the grace of God, I've lived a few of those stories myself, so I have a real affinity for them. While watching the Olympics a few weeks ago, I heard one such story.  It was about US athlete Colby Stevenson, who competes in skiing.   

Colby was in a near...

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Super Bowl MVP: “God Showed Me We Would Win”

This past Sunday, 112.3 million people watched the L.A. Rams win the Super Bowl. It was the most watched television event in the last 5 years, mainly because it was such a close game. The Rams were down 20-16, and late in the fourth quarter they put together an amazing drive and scored the game winning touchdown with 1:25 left on the clock. I had no ties to either team, but it was so exciting that I was totally glued to the screen towards the end.  

Johns Hopkins Professor Says…Lockdowns Didn’t Help?

Last week a client came in and the first thing he said to me was "have you heard about that new Johns Hopkins study that just came out?" "No, I haven't" I told him. 

"I just heard about it on the radio.  They found that lockdowns didn't do anything to keep people from dying of COVID," he said. 

We went on to talk about this for a while and when I got home that night, I began reading about it.  The study...

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The Worst Food Ingredient for Your Immune System

As you probably know, your immune system is extremely complex in its structure and in its function.  Because of this complexity, there are many things that could go wrong with it, some of which are very preventable.   

Throughout the entirety of the past two years, we've heard a lot about social distancing, masks and vaccines but very little about how to effectively take care of our immune system. Now, of course, you've probably heard people here and there pointing out the...

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When You’ve Tried Everything Else..

If you've been reading my stuff for a while, you've probably gathered that I'm a big believer in putting in time and effort into making our bodies healthy.  This is because our body is designed in a way that requires us to be diligent with behaviors such as exercise, healthy eating, hydration, sleep and therapy in order for it to feel good and work well.  Now although doing these things makes a world of difference, even with the best lifestyle possible there are...

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New Study: This Plant Neutralizes the COVID Spike Protein

I know that by now most of us are sick of (no pun intended) hearing about things related to this virus, but this past week I read something interesting that I thought was worth sharing.    There is new science that has emerged out of Oregon State University that shows that two plant extracts have the capability of binding to the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 and preventing it from entering human cells, thereby preventing infection.  Given that the most commonly promoted tool of virus control has...

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