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A Salt That Is Actually Good For You

Hey! I hope you're enjoying your weekend! We had a long day at the soccer fields yesterday watching our son Christian play two games in a large Tampa Bay area tournament. He did great and at the end of day one our team is number 1 in our bracket! We have another game to play today to see if we make it to the final. I'm excited! As I was out there feeling the warmth of the sun I realized that we are soon to be on...
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New Research Shows LESS Salt Can INCREASE Heart Disease

Hey! I hope you're having a great weekend! I was doing research this morning about a topic that I wanted to write to you about- Himalyan Salt. I was going to write to you and tell you about all the great benefits of Himalyan Salt as compared to regular table salt and how you should make the switch. In the midst of doing that I stumbled across an article published in Scientific American as well as The Journal of the American Medical Association that summarized some pretty...
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A Message From the Heart

Hey! I hope your day is going well! I'm kind of a sentimental person. Maybe more than most. I often sit back and reflect on where I've been, how I got there and how grateful I am for all I have. This week I've been really hit with a gratitude for being able to instruct and lead others towards better health and a better life through many means, one of which being this newsletter. This time of year, as I'm sure you can imagine, I am ridiculously...
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Early Alzheimer’s Detection Test Inside Your Kitchen Cabinet??

Hey! Happy Valentine's Day! Today my wife and I are going to our favorite Peruvian restaurant to enjoy a nice Valentine's Day meal, but before we do that I wanted to share an article and a video that I saw yesterday that I think you will find interesting and useful. A few weeks ago I wrote an article about the top lesson learned by the worlds leading expert in brain health Dr. Daniel Amen. If you missed it, check it out here- https://nonfictionfitness.com/the-worlds-foremost-expert-in-brain-health-shares-his-top-lesson/ One of the...
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Fewer Colds, Less Stress and Less Pain From Doing This???

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! For years I've been known as a "touchy-feely" kind of person. I am one that more often than not shucks off the unspoken rules of maintaining peoples personal space and instead gives them high fives, pats on the back and in many cases hugs. Turns out I was making people healthier the entire time! In a recent article that was published in U.S. News and World Report, hugging has been found to be an incredible health promoting behavior. In...
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Bottled Water: Healthy Option or Toxic Soup?

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! Water. Without it we will die. With enough of it our cells will thrive. Even mild dehydration can be detrimental to our health. Water is essential for every bodily function to be carried out in full and even a slight loss of it can set us up for much faster aging and greatly decreased physical function. My clients hear this from me constantly. I've been preaching the importance of drinking water for years and this is without a doubt the...
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The Worlds Foremost Expert In Brain Health Shares His Top Lesson

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! What do Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's, memory loss, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, mood swings and temper problems all have in common? They are all problems that are originate in the human brain and they are all things that our lives have been affected by in some form or another either personally or through a loved one. I was always fascinated with the subject of the human mind. I studied a great deal of psychology in school and I always wanted to...
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I Was Shocked When I Saw This On My X-Ray

Hey! I hope you're having a great weekend! If you've read my writings for a while you will not be surprised that I am a BIG supporter of being proactive and getting tests done even before there is a "crisis" so you can stay ahead of anything that could create a problem later. Being that I live that same message myself, last Thursday I decided to do something that surprised a lot of people. I got a few x-rays taken, even though I have very few symptoms...
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These Guys Are the Perfect Model For Overcoming Setbacks

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! I'm pretty excited today. As you may or may not know I am a pretty big sports fan, especially when it comes to following teams from my hometown Kansas City Missouri. With the Kansas City Royals winning the World Series this year it was already an amazing year for KC sports fans, but yesterday we got yet another jolt when our beloved Kansas City Chiefs won their first NFL playoff game in 22 years (which was the year I...
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People That Do This One Thing Get Way Better Health Results

Hey! Happy New Year! I hope your 2016 is off to a great start so far. I'm enjoying the tail end of my second straight 3 day weekend and I must say that it's been nice. Being able to wind down 2015 and begin 2016 with some time off has been a great blessing. The time off has given me a chance to reflect on the year that we just closed. On New Years Day I reviewed my goals from 2015 and took a good hard look...
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