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Can You Really Say “It’s Impossible?”

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! I'm sitting in the Columbus Ohio airport still in awe of how much I've learned this weekend. I came up for an advanced class on identifying muscular problems and on intra-session problem solving taught by arguably the most skilled practitioner in the country. I am amazed at some of the things I've seen. I'm very excited to get home and start applying this, because I know it will make a huge positive impact in my body and in my clients...
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Fail to Manage This and You’ll Always Live In Disappointment

Hey! I hope you're having a great day today! I'm an optimist. I usually tend to believe the best about a situation. When I wake up in the morning I expect to have a good day. I expect people to be mostly fair and honest with me as I am fair and honest with them. I expect there to be some positive outcome to every challenge, failure or setback. I expect to learn something from every situation and use those lessons to make better future decisions. I also expect...
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1 Minute of This Exercise Can Equal 45 Minutes Worth

Hey! I hope you're having a great Memorial Day weekend! Many people will be going to get-togethers this weekend, as did we just the other night. Whenever we do, its common for me to get the question from people I've just met- "so what do you do?" I often joke with my clients about the funny experiences I have while interacting with people after I answer this question because undoubtedly someone will ask me "why does this hurt?" or "I have this problem, what do I do...
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An Innovative New Study On Lower Back Pain

Hey! I hope you're having a great weekend! I've got some pretty exciting news. Non-Fiction Fitness will be launching our first official research study beginning in about 30-45 days. Here's the scoop: According to statistics over 13.4 million people in just the U.S. alone suffer with lower back pain. This is the second most common reason why people see a physician, closely trailing the common cold and flu. It is also one of the most difficult problems for doctors to treat and because of that, people can...
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Putting These On Your Shoes Can Really Help Your Back

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! I'm taking a little break right now from working on the slides for a 6 hour continuing education workshop I'm teaching for health professionals this coming Friday. It's an intensive task and I can use the brief distraction. I wanted to write to you about something I recently got for my shoes. They are called "Lock Laces" and they are pretty cool little contraptions. They are essentially shoelaces that both stretch and self tie so as to eliminate the need...
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Oldest Living Pearl Harbor Vet Still Going Strong at 104- Here’s What He’s Doing

Hey! I hope your weekend is going well. I came across a really cool article recently that inspired me and I think it will inspire you too. San Diego area resident Ray Chavez is currently the oldest living Pearl Harbor survivor in the world. He just recently celebrated his 104th birthday and is still a very visible local figure, making public appearances often. One interesting thing about Ray is that despite his age, Ray is also a consistent figure in his local gym, visiting it to do his...
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What’s Your Standard?

Hey! I hope your weekend is going well! I’m sitting in Columbus airport right now waiting to board my plane. I had a pretty cool weekend up here taking a continuing education course on manual muscle testing and advanced concepts related to it. Very productive weekend indeed. It was interesting having conversations with my clients and colleagues about my trip last week leading up to my departure because one question I got a few times was “is this a requirement to maintain your certification?” When my response...
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80% of People Surveyed Believe in This

Today is a special day for many people. It is a day of celebrating what many believe was a supernatural act, a miracle if you will. Interestingly, today I came across an article in Parade Magazine that showed that many people from different religious, spiritual and scientific backgrounds often fall into the category of "believers" in miracles according the Pew Research Group. In fact, a recent poll taken said that 8 out of 10 people believe that miracles can and do happen, including those related...
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Common Food Ingredients That Can Cause Joint Pain

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! More and more in my practice I have seen the need to take a more holistic approach to helping people heal from injuries and successfully manage various musculoskeletal problems. Although my unique form of therapeutic exercise is potent and powerful in stimulating the body to work better, feel better, heal faster and prevent common orthopedic conditions, it is helped exponentially by other supportive factors such as an anti-inflammatory diet. Many are unaware of the link between what goes in...
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This Little Part of Your Body May Be Keeping You From Getting Better

Hey! I hope you're having a great day! I have kind of a deep subject to discuss today, but it is one that holds so many people back from getting their body where they want it to be. Let me start with a few questions. Have you ever said anything negative about your body? Have you ever mentally or verbally labeled a part of your body as "bad?" Do these thoughts, beliefs and words about yourself, your health and your body really affect how your body feels and functions? According...
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