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About: admin

Recent Posts by admin

Free Resource: Fitness For Life TV

Early this year I was in my office brainstorming about what I could do to serve my clients better.  As I did, an idea came to me for an online video channel that contained short videos containing information that would help them get better and faster results from their program.  As I contemplated whether I could do this, I realized that the time it would take to film, edit and upload the videos would be more than I could...

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The Story I Told to 1 Million People on Television

Earlier this month I was featured on a National Television show for the first time.  The reason they put me on was so I could share the story of how I met Dr. Paul Hambrick. You probably have no idea who that is, but to me, Dr. Hambrick was a Godsend.  Here’s why.  In March of 2007, I was beginning to sense that I needed to put more focus on my Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) practice and less on my personal training practice,...

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Study Showed a 60% Reduction in Pain by Doing This…

Recently I was asked to give a lecture on how exercise can improve joint health and reduce pain. Many people don't realize it, but proper exercise is actually one of the most effective tools for doing exactly that.

Today I came across a great article that summarizes some of the research done on this topic and it is astounding what has been discovered. According to study, exercise works on several different levels. For instance-

The movement and the...

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Something Worth Binge-Watching…

So..we all know that we can "binge-watch" TV shows and movies, but I want to introduce you to a new (and more edifying) thing to binge watch- my new Online Channel called Fitness For Life TV.

Fitness For Life TV currently has over a dozen, short (2-4 minutes) videos, each packed with useful health and fitness information. It's the same information that I personally apply to enhance my ability to heal, prevent injuries, stay fit and feel amazing. It's also the same life...

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They Say It’s Like “Miracle-Grow” For the Brain

What if I told you that there was a substance that will make you feel happier and have a better memory? Would you be interested?

What if I told you that this substance will also help reduce junk food cravings, help you learn new things easier, and help you build newer and stronger brain cells no matter your age?

What if I also told you that it was free and accessible in just minutes, no matter where...

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The Most Powerful Medicine in the World

This past Tuesday was so much fun. I taught a small class on how improving the function of muscles can lead to major breakthroughs in strength, flexibility and healing. Everyone in the room seemed to have one "a-ha" moment after another, and afterwards everyone asked to have an evaluation. It's going to be a busy time leading in to the fall!

When someone comes in to be evaluated, not only will we work to uncover all the muscular issues contributing to their problem,...

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57.5% of People Suffer From This, Are You One of Them?

Several years ago I came across a Mayo Clinic study that was quite eye opening. In the study, they examined the files of over 142,000 of their patients to determine what the most common health problems were among them. The patients were of various ages and were split 53% to 47%, women to men.

What they found was that 57.5% of these patients had problems affecting their musculoskeletal system. "Arthritis and joint disorders" came in at 33.6% and "back problems" came in at 23.9%.

Woman Born Blind Gets Instantly Healed Without Doctors or Medicine

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Controversial “Miracle Molecule” Gets an Unbiased Review

This week one of my clients brought in an article that she copied from a recent issue of Consumer Reports.  She knew I'd be interested in it because the article was about a somewhat new and somewhat controversial supplement that many call miraculous, including me. If you read my newsletters regularly you know that I am a big fan of Cannabidiol, also known as CBD.  I have been taking this product for many months and I have recommended this product to nearly every client I work with.  I've had tremendously...
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Latest Research on How Sitting Makes Us Age Faster

Can you remember the last time you had a day where you had to sit more than you're used to?  Maybe it was on a long plane or car ride.  Maybe it was at an all day conference. Maybe it was during a time when you were sick and you didn't have the energy to do much else. I know for me, when I have those days, I really feel it. Well, in addition to it making you feel more tired, making your muscles feel stiff and sore...
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