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About: admin

Recent Posts by admin

My Crazy…and Awesome Pneumonia Story

On Friday June 7th 2019, I went to bed feeling totally normal other than I had a slight chill.  The next morning, I woke up and I could barely move.  It was like all the energy got sucked right out of my body.  Being that I'm extremely healthy and take very good care of myself, I didn't suspect that it could be anything that serious.  I figured I just had a bug. I pushed myself to do whatever I could do that day but EVERYTHING was...
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Optimal Exercises For Heart, Lung and Brain Health

First off let me thank all of you who so kindly reached out to me after you read my last newsletter.  In it I announced that I had been diagnosed with a serious case of pneumonia on June 10th. Well, it's 20 days later and I'm happy to report that I'm doing fantastic!  I'm back to work, I'm back to working out (and doing it quite intensely) and I'm really starting to feel like my old self again. I was also blessed to not have to spend any time...
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What a Crazy Week It’s Been!

This has sure been a crazy week.  Last Friday night (6/7) I went to bed feeling perfectly fine and Saturday morning I woke up feeling like every ounce of available energy had been sucked out of my body.  I could barely move or talk. I pushed myself to do as much of my normal routine as I could, hoping that this would pass, but it didn't.  Finally after 3 days of hard fighting I finally gave in and saw a doctor.  I don't do that very...
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Yale Says This Can Make You Happier Than Money

I think it's safe to say that most people know exercise is good for their physical health. However, the benefits don't stop there.  Studies show that exercise (when done right) also holds the key to better hormone and neurotransmitter balance, which dramatically affects mood and energy.  But how much of a difference does it really make? That's what teams of researchers at Yale University and Oxford University recently attempted to discover.  In the studies, they collected physical activity and mental mood data from...
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Harvard Scientists Says This Can Delay Healing

I feel amazing.  I just got home from the gym after doing some range of motion and activation exercises for my lower body, along with some cardio.  Then as I was sitting here at my desk, I did a few more exercises, this time for my neck and shoulders.  All I can say is wow.  It feels like my whole body has come alive.  I can even feel the added blood flow to my brain. I love it! It's so fitting that I had these experiences today because...
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Medical Doctor Reveals Secrets for Fighting Inflammation

Have you ever had the experience where you instantly formed a connection with someone the first time you talked to them?   I've had many of those experiences over the years and I recently had another one.  It was with a gentleman who is a Medical Doctor, and I bring it up because our connection is very good news for you. I'll tell you why in a second but first let me tell you how I discovered him. Several months ago I got a call from a woman...
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Making a Comeback Against All Odds

During this amazing weekend when we celebrate the deliverance of the nation of Israel from slavery and the resurrection of Jesus, I felt it was fitting to give you a dose of inspiration by sharing some other great "comeback" stories with you. These are stories of people that were in impossible or near impossible situations yet persevered to victory.  I love these types of stories because they remind me that I can also overcome difficult situations I face, if I don't give up. The first story is...
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Bruce’s Broken Foot Gets Instantly Healed

On March 30th, 2019 myself and a few friends were setting up for our weekly Siesta Beach Prayer Circle gathering at the public beach's north pavilion.  While I was busy organizing our free gift table, a young man named Bruce came by on crutches.  When my friend Sam saw Bruce, he approached him and asked him what happened. Bruce told Sam that he fractured his foot a few days earlier and that it was too painful to walk on.  Sam asked Bruce if we could pray...
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Steve Gillenwater’s Experience Working With Me To Help His Hips and Shoulders

Steve's Gillenwater’s body has been through a lot.  In 1984 when Steve was 23 years old, he was in a dirt bike accident that literally snapped the head of his femur off.  After 3 attempts to try and save it, Steve had to have a hip replacement.  He has had 2 more hip surgeries since.  Due to the massive amount of muscle atrophy, plus the compensation patterns he developed, over the years Steve has not only had chronic hip pain,...
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114 Year Old Man Shares His Longevity Secrets

If I asked you, "what is your health and fitness goal?"   What would you say?  Would you say something that is weight related?  Pain related?  Sports related? At one time in my life I would have said that my goal was to make it through chemotherapy.  At another time I would have said that it was to not be fat anymore.  At another time I would have said that my goal was to make my back strong enough to not have pain.  At age 36, all my health...
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