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The Miracle Birth Story of Natalie Grace Vercelli

Hey my friend! Happy Sunday!

And what a happy day it is! Two weeks ago today, at 9:02am, my daughter Natalie Grace Vercelli finally made it out and into the world!!!

She sure didn't come easily though. My wife Sofiya had what's known as "prodromal labor" on and off for 8 days where her contractions were pretty close to the real...

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Thanksgiving Inspiration

Hey my friend! Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. When I was a (rather chubby) kid, it was mostly because of the food.  As I got older though, I also came to appreciate the value of intentionally expressing gratitude.

***By the way, thank you for your friendship, support and readership!  It really means a lot to me!!***

These days, my love for Thanksgiving is at an all-time high, because...

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Why Your Body Hates Halloween

Tonight, reports estimate that over 160 million Americans will celebrate Halloween. In doing so, they will spend around 2.6 billion dollars on about 600 million pounds of candy.  

It's hard to even imagine how much sugar that is!

Now, although sugary foods are extremely common (and beloved by many) these days, that doesn't mean that they aren't a big deal.  

In fact, the only reason why we all grew up...

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Biblical Implications of the War In Israel…That We ALL Need to Know About

I know I usually come to you with health and fitness information, but because of the seriousness of what is happening in the world, I have to share something a little different with you today. 

It was one week ago yesterday that I woke up to some of the most horrific news I've ever heard in my lifetime- that innocent Jews all over Israel were being slaughtered by terrorists that had invaded their nation.  

I'm sure...

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The Latest Science on the Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Faith

What a week we've had! Sofiya and I just got back from a trip to my hometown- Kansas City, Missouri, and it was awesome! We got to spend some good quality time together, visit my childhood homes, and do some sight-seeing. This included a semiprivate tour of Arrowhead Stadium- where the reigning Super Champion Chiefs play football.  That was SO cool! Here's us standing on the field. 


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226k Person Study: More Steps = Longer Life

In this day and age, with all the technologies and conveniences that we have, it is VERY easy to let an entire day go by and barely take any steps. Especially if you have a sedentary job or are retired.  

According to experts, this widespread epidemic of inactivity is one of the key contributors to the rise in chronic diseases, painful conditions and obesity. To combat this, many health organizations (including our own CDC and NIH) have firmly stated...

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How Exercise Leads to Sharper Thinking and a Healthier Brain

Last time I wrote to you, I mentioned that I was about to give a lecture on "How Exercise Improves Brain Function" through the release of the "miracle molecule"- Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (or BDNF for short).

By the grace of God, the lecture went really well. The room was full, everyone was engaged, and there was great feedback afterwards. Thank you to all who came!

New Pain Relief Study: This Reduced Pain More Than Opioids

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Why Floridians May Have More Pain During Summer Months

It sure is hot outside, isn't it? After having had a pretty modest (by our standards) May and early June, the thermostat has certainly been turned up for the last month+.  This has caused many Floridians to respond the only way we know how- to stay inside as much as possible.  

Now, although this is a good strategy for feeling more comfortable on our skin, it can spell disaster for other parts of our body.  That is because staying...

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