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5 Tips From The “World’s Oldest Practicing Doctor”

When neurologist Dr. Howard Tucker, MD was born in 1922, the average life expectancy was 58 years for men and 61 years for women.  Fast forward to 2023, Dr. Tucker is now 100 years old, and he has been practicing medicine for 7 decades. 

Dr. Tucker was also recently recognized by The Guiness Book of World Records as "The Worlds' Oldest Practicing Doctor."  This has led to a fair amount of publicity and many people asking him "what is your secret??"...

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Reflections at the End of My 41st Year

Last Friday I completed my 41st trip around the sun.  As I celebrated this milestone, I was in California on our annual Father-Son vacation, reflecting on how great my life is.  

One reason it is so great is because I live every day of my life with gratitude knowing that if not for the grace of God, I wouldn't even be here.  As you may know, I...

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New Study Shows That Junk Food Rewires the Brain

Every day I work with people that want to eliminate their pain. 9 times out of 10, the person I'm working with has a multi layered problem that largely stems from a mechanical breakdown in the musculoskeletal system, as well as high levels of systemic inflammation. This inflammation is very often due to overeating inflammatory food.  

Although most people cheerfully make the commitment to work on the mechanical issues by hiring me, in 17 years of practice, I've seen...

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Pics and Videos From Our Spring Mission Trips

As you may have read in my newsletter, recently we had two EPIC mission trips. One to Ft. Lauderdale during Spring Break and one to Miami during Miami Pride. They were both amazing and God moved so powerfully. Here's a few pics and videos from the trips. I hope you enjoy them!

If you have any trouble viewing the videos or pictures, you can also see them here- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jn0cztt5nvfyb1y6e1t7a/h?dl=0&rlkey=tfoz3y9au8uboccgc0l5gunvp

12 Years Ago Last Week, I Became Legal

It was April 29th, 2011. I remember it like it was yesterday. That was the day I finally became...legal.  Let me explain.  

In March of 2010, while working my day job in a Physical Therapy clinic, I got a call from Crystal Romeo, the Fitness Director of The Meadows Country Club.  She and I had met a few months earlier about a Personal Training position she had available, but I had not heard from her since. 

8 Simple Ways to Boost Your Mood In Just Minutes

Mood plays an important role in determining your quality of life. It can affect your perception of the world, influence your relationships, and affect your mental and physical health.

Have you wondered how to improve your mood? Fortunately, the simplest of pleasures can elevate your mood and cost next to nothing in both time and money. Research supports the efficacy of small, affordable actions, many of which can be performed in a work setting when you are in need of...

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Researchers Are Seeing Dementia Linked to Sleeping Pills

For many years, we've heard experts say that getting 6-8 hours of sleep per night is ideal. However, according to the Sleep Foundation, only about 2/3rds of adults in the US get the recommended amount. Out of this pandemic of insomnia has arisen a sleep aid industry that is now worth over $78 Billion per year globally and projected to nearly double by 2030.

Popular sleep aids include things like prescription antidepressants, antipsychotics and benzodiazepines,...

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102-Year-Old Fitness Instructor Shares Her Advice

Jean Bailey is a resident at Elk Ridge Village, a senior living community in Omaha, Nebraska. For the past 15 years, Jean has been leading fitness classes, and for the past 3 years, she has been leading them in her community. Jean continually amazes all those around her and she is showing no signs of slowing down. Even though she's 102 years young!

40+% Of Americans Suffer from This

Not many people can believe this about me, but I used to be very obese. In fact, I even have the stretch marks to prove it. Although my time as an obese man was relatively short (maybe 3-4 years cumulatively), it was long enough for me to know how badly people are physically, mentally and emotionally limited by this very, very avoidable problem. 

Because of this experience that I've had, I am truly saddened by the new study that came...

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MASSIVE Crowds Are Coming to Kentucky to Experience This

On February 8th, something very unusual happened in Kentucky. Students at the small Christian college- Asbury University in Wilmore (which is just outside of Lexington), came to their regularly scheduled 50-minute chapel service at 10am...and it has been going nonstop ever since.  24 hours a day!

Students described what happened that morning as a spontaneous and supernatural move of God that made them want to seek after Him in a MUCH deeper way.  After the first few days of this...

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