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After 4 States In 6 Days…

This weekend felt a little odd for me because I only worked one day last week.  That's because last Saturday I left for a 6 day family vacation that included stops in Las Vegas, California, Utah and Arizona. It was amazing. We saw a Cirque Du Soleil show (complete with a free backstage tour thanks to one of my amazing clients), and we also went to Death Valley, Zion National Park and The Grand Canyon.  Needless to say, it was a lot to pack in to just...
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Harvard Scientists Say This Can Help You Live Longer

Do you remember the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh?" If so, you might remember a character named Eeyore.  Eeyore was known as a negative, gloomy, depressed donkey who always expected the worst. Do you know anyone like that? If you remember Eeyore than you probably also remember Tigger.  Tigger was the exact opposite.  Tigger was happy, exuberant and loved to share his positivity with others. Have you ever met anyone like that? It may seem funny to compare people to cartoon characters but Eeyore and Tigger represent two very opposing attitudes that people...
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3 Lessons Learned While Rehabbing

1. It’s A LOT of work to rehab your body and there is no easy way to do it. Whether you are dealing with an injury that happened because of a sudden forceful event like the one I’ve described, or whether you’re dealing with an injury that has progressively gotten worse over time, this applies to you. Early on I made mental agreement with the idea that I was going to be “on call” 24-7 doing exercises and stretches, using topicals, taking supplements and doing everything I...
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January Riddle

Question- You have a 5 gallon jug and a 3 gallon jug.  How do you get 4 gallons into the 5 gallon jug using only the 2 jugs? First- Fill up the 3 gallon jug Second- Pour the 3 gallons into the 5 gallon jug Third- Fill up the 3 gallon jug Fourth- Pour the water from the 3 gallon jug into the 5 gallon jug until it's full Fifth- Empty the 5 gallon jug Sixth- Take the 1 gallon you have remaining in the 3 gallon jug and pour it...
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Nearly Half the People Who Use This Ditch Their Meds..

I came across a few articles recently that I felt would be great to share with you. The first one was kind of a shocker.  In a good way.  It describes a survey that was done on 2400 people who regularly consume a plant extract called Cannabidiol (CBD).  Most of the users reported that they used it primarily for relief of pain, anxiety, depression or insomnia.  Amazingly, 80 percent said it was "very or extremely effective" and...
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Brain Power Measurably Increases When You Do This

Here in paradise (a.k.a. Sarasota), we've had a cold (for us), rainy and very overcast day.  The silver lining is that it truly was a perfect day for staying indoors and catching up on "stuff." My day included some of that.  Some tidying up, some reading, and eventually a trip to the gym for a full on workout, for which I was somewhat overdue. Ahh, it felt so good.  I started by doing long stride walks on the treadmill to open up my hips, my spine and...
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This Will Help Move You Closer to Where You Want to Be

Last night I did something fun.  Not fun in the "traditional sense" of the word, but something fun for the part of me that loves to dream exciting dreams, go on adventures, and experience newness in all areas of my life on a consistent basis. Last night I sat down and left my mind completely open to ideas of what I'd like to see happen in my life in 2019.  Any and every exciting and compelling idea was quickly written down and prayed over.  I got motivated...
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Want to Wake Up Excited Every Day? This Helps…

I sure do love this time of year, don't you? We're coming off of some beautiful holidays where we've celebrated some amazing miracles, and now we get to count down to the beginning of a new year.  So fun! Being that we are less than 36 hours from 2019, I would be remiss not to say something about New Years Resolutions.   Studies show that health related goals often top peoples list, and this year it should be no different. The act of making a resolution or a goal can change...
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Can 70 Really Be the New 40?

The other day I was at the gym and I happened to catch a few minutes of a news story on The Today Show.  It was fitting that I saw it while doing fitness training because the story was about exercise. The anchors were discussing a new study that showed that people in their 70's who have exercised regularly for decades have the heart, lung and muscle health of people in their 40's.  How cool is that?! Check out this article written about the study-  Read more